Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things that must go

So I am a huge fan of x96 "Radio from Hell" show. They have a segment called "Things That Must Go" which I have a few of my own. If you don't care then stop reading, as it is sad if you are actually taking time to read my blog. You must be as bored as I am:

1. Christmas decor in March: A couple years ago I drove by a house on a warm March day and saw an inflatable Santa waving at me from his Snow Globe. I have been mad about it ever since.
2. Moms who pretend they are watching their children at the playground: If you have a small child, you best be up on the playground with them. My big butt is squezzing down the slide with my two year old, since I don't want him to plunge to his death being up there by himself. Seeing moms on the park bench taking about the next quilting relief society activity and how much they love there cricket scrapbooking machine to the other moms ins nauseating. Is it any surprise when your 3 year old falls off and starts crying? Get your size 2 Gap jeaned butt up there and start playing
3. People looking at you like you are some spawn of satan: So 4th of July 09, Brian was working and I had my cute 17month old boy with me wating for Breakfast at the 4th of july festivities. I was wearing a tanktop and I looked like I was 16 with my pigtails. So I really looked like a young scandelous teenage mom. This little girl in front of us turned and started talking to me. The mom grabbed the little girl and gave me the look of death as she pulled her daughter close to her side. It reminded me of Beauty and the Beast where they are scared of the Beast and the mothers pull their children to their side in fear. Don't judge me. I was 25 and more educated than she ever would be
4. People saying there is nothing wrong with Dylan: Let me give you a breakdown of my child who will be 3 in a few days: he can't talk, can't understand what is being said to him (show me another three year old that has no idea where their nose is when asked) chews on furniture, runs in circles while grunting and wringing his hands and can't point out objects when asked. It's not a "phase" he has autism. But keep telling me he's fine, because that will change it. And don't get offended if I make a joke about it. Humor has amazing power. Having a child who is "differently abled" is such a taboo topic. Ask me, I won't get mad. Unless you say something stupid. And he won't be potty trained within the next one maybe even two years. If this is a problem, you come have a stab at it. Good Luck
5. The numerous Land Before Times: Yep, some cartoon dinosaurs walking. The end, no more, one was bad enough

Thats all oh... I have another one... coworkers singing John Denver :)


  1. Steph therapy is not a bad thing. As for the coworker singing John Denver you can always come down to my office to avoid her.

  2. Ha Ha I love this! Oh, and I totally agree:)
