Monday, February 7, 2011

look at me all crazy and trendy with technology!

So I am starting a blog. Maybe one day I will print them out. I used to keep a journal regularly but that is so 1997. Plus I type a lot faster than I write.
About me, I am married with one child. I work two jobs and have a Masters degree in social work. If anything, at least it makes me feel cool that I did a lot of college. Maybe one day I will have an awesome job. I have no hobbies, besides working out. Going to the fancy gym by my parents house is really exciting for me. I am the cheapest person you will ever meet. My favorite shows are Community and The Office. Anything Judd Apatow makes is awesome. I love dancing and acting, even though I haven't been in a play since 2003 (that makes me sad). I love and miss my friends, particularly the ones I went to Snow College with.
Well today I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It was okay, however it was only 20 minutes. I think that is suppose to be part of the appeal. My husband watched me do it, he didn't participate, just watched and then went upstairs. It's kinda like the time my sister Annie ate Oreos watching my mom and I do pilates. Whatever.
That's it. I am sure I will have more interesting stuff as this month is full of events. Not that anybody care, but it's my blog so I don't care.

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