Wednesday, February 9, 2011

So i started this blog over a year ago and stumbled upon it. These were some of the top Snow College memories for me :

Fake Beer Party: So we bought a bunch of fake beer and took pictures like we were actually intoxicated. The pictures are great. There is one were me and Bridget are doing "16 candles" and I am pretending to cut her hair out of the door. There is one where Jason is pretending to be passed out and he has panties on him. Yeah we are party animals pretending to drink beer??

Finding the cat a "new home": We had a pet cat... we had to get rid of it since I guess you can't have them in college apartments. Bridget and I found it a "home" in Manti. We are going to hell.

Running to Manti: Chris and I ran the near 7 mile run to Manti. Jason says we didn't since it was just the welcome to Manti sign. Um... you drove past us going to Los Amigos so you have no room to talk!

Matching "oh my heck" shirts: We were so cool in these. Bridget and I went to random apartments to have people sign a shirt for Nate and we walked in on two people breaking up. Awkward

Jason and I making a mad dash for Walmart: So the Ephraim walmart closed at midnight so we had to hurry and pick up powdered mustard?? Jason said there was no time for me to get my shoes so he piggy backed me to the car, however he slipped on the ice and I flew into a bunch of ice covered bushes. I can only imagine how that looked watching it from inside

Homecoming: this dance was awesome! We walked to maverik at 2:00 am for yocream, played at Sanpete Thrift and I ended up switching dates with Bridget and eating instant potatoes and watching Cops. Real classy

Fugitive game: So we were in teams and had to make it from the walmart to our apartment complex on foot while Chris drove my car catching people. This was freaking awesome! I made Steve crawl threw a ditch though. If I remember right I think there were a good 10 people shoved into my ford contor, some of them in the trunk with 30 liters of coke. Or that Bridget walked to the other end of town and was 2 hours after everyone was done playing

Cops and volleyball: Me, Bridget, Bizarro, Chris and Staice played volleyball late at night then went into some apartments to do laundry. I may or may not have taken a can of spaghettios. One court proceeding later, I was $50 dollars poorer and relieved that I did not go to jail. I was terrified that I was going to go to jail. I wasn't very smart.

Plain girl: Bridget and I would go to subway every Friday. She got the nickname "plain girl" since she ordered bread ,cheese and chicken and nothing else for her sandwich. Oh, and I was "reliable" for a sandwich.

The KAGJ: Bridget and I had our own radio show Sexy Flem: The mucus is so think you could choke on it. Probably the most terrifying experience is when Bizarro jumped up in a creepy mask and smacked into the window and dropped 6 feet down since there was a window well right below him

The prank: So I switched Chris' phone into Chinesse. He had to find a Chinesse student to switch it back. I really messed with the wrong person. He then took my car and left it at the Chinesse food restaurant, as you can imagine my surprise when I came back from class and my car was missing. Then I decorated his room with Hanson posters. He decorated my whole apartment with my granny panties and bras. I stopped at that point, he won.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things that must go

So I am a huge fan of x96 "Radio from Hell" show. They have a segment called "Things That Must Go" which I have a few of my own. If you don't care then stop reading, as it is sad if you are actually taking time to read my blog. You must be as bored as I am:

1. Christmas decor in March: A couple years ago I drove by a house on a warm March day and saw an inflatable Santa waving at me from his Snow Globe. I have been mad about it ever since.
2. Moms who pretend they are watching their children at the playground: If you have a small child, you best be up on the playground with them. My big butt is squezzing down the slide with my two year old, since I don't want him to plunge to his death being up there by himself. Seeing moms on the park bench taking about the next quilting relief society activity and how much they love there cricket scrapbooking machine to the other moms ins nauseating. Is it any surprise when your 3 year old falls off and starts crying? Get your size 2 Gap jeaned butt up there and start playing
3. People looking at you like you are some spawn of satan: So 4th of July 09, Brian was working and I had my cute 17month old boy with me wating for Breakfast at the 4th of july festivities. I was wearing a tanktop and I looked like I was 16 with my pigtails. So I really looked like a young scandelous teenage mom. This little girl in front of us turned and started talking to me. The mom grabbed the little girl and gave me the look of death as she pulled her daughter close to her side. It reminded me of Beauty and the Beast where they are scared of the Beast and the mothers pull their children to their side in fear. Don't judge me. I was 25 and more educated than she ever would be
4. People saying there is nothing wrong with Dylan: Let me give you a breakdown of my child who will be 3 in a few days: he can't talk, can't understand what is being said to him (show me another three year old that has no idea where their nose is when asked) chews on furniture, runs in circles while grunting and wringing his hands and can't point out objects when asked. It's not a "phase" he has autism. But keep telling me he's fine, because that will change it. And don't get offended if I make a joke about it. Humor has amazing power. Having a child who is "differently abled" is such a taboo topic. Ask me, I won't get mad. Unless you say something stupid. And he won't be potty trained within the next one maybe even two years. If this is a problem, you come have a stab at it. Good Luck
5. The numerous Land Before Times: Yep, some cartoon dinosaurs walking. The end, no more, one was bad enough

Thats all oh... I have another one... coworkers singing John Denver :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

look at me all crazy and trendy with technology!

So I am starting a blog. Maybe one day I will print them out. I used to keep a journal regularly but that is so 1997. Plus I type a lot faster than I write.
About me, I am married with one child. I work two jobs and have a Masters degree in social work. If anything, at least it makes me feel cool that I did a lot of college. Maybe one day I will have an awesome job. I have no hobbies, besides working out. Going to the fancy gym by my parents house is really exciting for me. I am the cheapest person you will ever meet. My favorite shows are Community and The Office. Anything Judd Apatow makes is awesome. I love dancing and acting, even though I haven't been in a play since 2003 (that makes me sad). I love and miss my friends, particularly the ones I went to Snow College with.
Well today I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It was okay, however it was only 20 minutes. I think that is suppose to be part of the appeal. My husband watched me do it, he didn't participate, just watched and then went upstairs. It's kinda like the time my sister Annie ate Oreos watching my mom and I do pilates. Whatever.
That's it. I am sure I will have more interesting stuff as this month is full of events. Not that anybody care, but it's my blog so I don't care.