Saturday, August 20, 2011

Handy Manny is testing my sanity...

So my child likes Handy Manny. By likes I mean it's the only show he will sit for more than a couple minutes and watch. If anybody knows anything about autism, a common trait is they OBSESS with particular things, and Manny is it in our house. Sometimes he will watch "Mickey Mouse" or "Little Einsteins" but it's not the same. This kid had no interest in "Cars" or "Toy Story" but could watch the same episode of Manny for 12 hours straight if we let him. Thanks goodness for him, I am not a lazy mom and take him away from the tv to do other activities. But we do have to watch some Manny each day. Manny is truly testing my sanity and I have a couple questions regarding Sheetrock Hills...

-Does anybody ever pay for anything? What society do the live in that you just perform services for free? How does it operate?

-Do they not have a freakin' Walmart? Gosh, I don't know how much Mr. Alvarez makes running a lawn mowing shop or Mr. Kumar selling teacups. Really? Once a Walmart comes to town everyone there is SOL, just to let you know.

-How is it that Kelly happens to have a 100 year old valve or a part to an elevator that's broken? Sounds like her and Manny are running some kind of chop shop. Things conveniently break and Kelly conveniently has the part.

-Does Manny REALLY need to feed the tools? They clearly have no digestive system and no way to eliminate. They are made of metal. How can they be hungry?

-Where do they live? Is it in the back of the shop? Do they all share a bed? There is an episode where they spend the night at Abuelito's and share a bed. Because sharing a bed with a saw is a great idea, one wrong move and it's over

-Where are all the baby daddy's? There are all these single women with no mention of the dad. I guess they don't need to worry about collecting child support or alimony since money DOESN'T exist in Sheetrock Hills.

-Is Mr. Lopart mentally ill? I am pretty sure he is a) mentally retarded or most likely b) Schizoid Personality Disorder. This disorder deals with:
--lack in social relationships (his only real friend is a cat which he has a VERY unhealthy and inappropriate relationship with. This cat goes everywhere with him; probably has to sit with Mr. Lopart while he is going to the bathroom)
--seen as cold, aloof and indifferent (he is never able to accept or appreciate anything anybody does for him and trust me it's a lot that has to be done for him. He is down right rude to Manny)
--have an internalized fantasy world (Mr. Lopart thinks he can do everything and has a tie to any event Manny talks to him about: being a Cowboy, a director, being an amazing golfer and bowler, having famous relatives who are bicyclists and artists, and the list goes on and on.) The reality is he is a moron and nobody ever calls him on his bull crap
--fear of sexual relationships (Yeah... Mr. Lopart is nowhere near having an intimate relationship with another human being, now the cat is a different story).

-Are Manny and Kelly ever going to hook up? If they go on a date do the tools go with? Kelly has got to be getting pretty old... her eggs are going to dry up.

-Each job is done in about 30 seconds. They sing a little diddy and they are able to fix a washing machine or a stove in that time. That's impressive.

-How come everyone is okay when the tools start talking to them? Oh... there's nothing out of the ordinary when a bunch of tools start conversing with you. And how is it Felipe has a Spanish accent? I know why Flicker does since he lived with Manny's uncle who only speaks Spanish, but why does Felipe and none of the other original tools have Spanish accents? I don't get it.

This is why I need a hobby STAT!